Les dernières nouvelles

Presentation in Chemnitz: ‘Data as fuel for global connectivity and transparency - with inteos®’ | September 2024

Halo business partner Klaus Kreutzberg had the opportunity to speak in Chemnitz about the ‘mega topic’ ‘digitalisation’ and the special role of ERP systems such as inteos® in this process at the meeting of textile plant managers 2024 of the IVGT (Industrieverband Veredlung - Garne - Gewebe - Technische Textilien).

If you are interested, you can find some pictures of the event and further details under this link . Of course we are also happy about your Like!

inteos® and .NET 8.0 | August 2024

Our existing customers will soon be informed about the upcoming changeover to .NET 8.0. But what is behind this step and what advantages does it bring? But what exactly is behind this step and what are the benefits? Let's take a direct look at our latest developments relating to inteos® - with information directly from our research and development department.

The inteos® ERP system is being converted from .NET Framework 4.7.2 to .NET 8.0. This technology upgrade offers many new possibilities through Visual Studio 2022 and the modern programming language C# 12. Practical advantages for inteos® include the use of Blazor web technology for mobile applications on various platforms such as tablets and scanners. Blazor enables an optimised display on different end devices (responsive design). The switch to .NET 8.0 allows code to be reused across all technology platforms, thus ensuring efficiency in development despite the variety of applications.

The end customer thus benefits from faster project realisation, also with regard to mobile applications. The technology extension and the associated update are available to all customers with a maintenance plan and are rolled out to the clients with a regular update for inteos® .

Case Study | Drechsel: "Time is money - no more unnecessary journeys" | Juli 2024

Drechsel has been using inteos® as an MES and ERP solution since 2008 and has integrated it into all production processes.

The standardised interface also enables Halo to offer inteos® "out of the box" with ICTRAC compatibility in the future.

Find out more in our full case study.


Case Study | Keller: Sportive performance - GoLive in just 10 months | June 2024

Find out more about what our project manager Bernhard Mähr has to say about this project and why he got a Ferrari as a gift.

inteos® fullfils all the requirements of Keller GmbH and offers further advantages such as mobile devices and high performance - even with large amounts of data. This allows Keller GmbH to seamlessly pick up where the Access database had reached its limits.

Find out more in our full case study.

What a week at Techtextil 2024 in Frankfurt! | June 2024

We would like to thank all our customers and visitors for the remarkably high level of interest and the inspiring discussions at our stand.

On the second day of the fair, the Econogy Tour came to our stand - we are proud to have been selected. The term "Econogy" summarises economy and ecology in one word and shows how crucial sustainability is for the economic success of a company today.

The inteos® team was passionately represented on site, inspiring visitors with their expertise and spoiling them with culinary delights. Thank you to the fantastic team for their hard work, tireless commitment and team spirit!

The wait for the next Techtextil has already begun - we are already looking forward to welcoming you back to our inteos® stand in 2026!

Erfolgreicher Lehrabschluss Alexander Bildstein

Alexander Bildstein successfully completes his apprenticeship | March 2024

We congratulate our colleague Alexander Bildstein on successfully completing his apprenticeship as an application developer. .Alexander has become an important and valuable part of our team and we look forward to many more successful inteos® projects with him.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that there is still one apprenticeship position available - we look forward to receiving applications at: office@inteos.com

GoLive at Mey | August 2023

A GoLive during ongoing operations is always an interesting challenge, especially when third-party applications are also in use. We are therefore pleased to have implemented the process for Mey Bodywear without any interruptions. Mey GmbH & Co. KG produces high-quality day and nightwear and lingerie and is one of the most renowned companies in this industry.

Mey relies on the customized MES solutions from inteos® for the areas of ready-to-wear, finishing and knitting.

Mey Bodywear

ITMA 2023 - Summary | July 2023

We were very pleased to welcome you at the ITMA in Milan, which ended on Friday.After an extraordinarily interesting and also intensive week, we come to the conclusion - as we did at Techtextil in Frankfurt - that despite all the progress in the online meeting area, personal contacts are and remain an indispensable addition to the business relationship.

Did you have the opportunity to try out our Virtual Factory in VR? Did you get an insightful view of our product? We look forward to your feedback - and would also be happy to welcome you to visit our HQ in Lustenau, should you ever be in the vicinity.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!


inteos® Virtual Factory | May 2023

Fancy a little textile walk? Let's take a tour of our Virtual Factory, which will go live in time for ITMA after almost a year of development work and is already available in video form on our homepage. 

The Virtual Factory allows you to see inteos<sup>®</sup> in action in all departments of modern textile production in a fully interactive 3D environment. Start your tour in the office, then take a look at the yarn department or the knitting and weaving machines, and finally take a look at fabric inspection, finishingsewing or warehouse. Interested? Just click on the links and let yourself be surprised!

New customer Triumph International | May 2023

We are proud to announce a particularly pleasing development in May 2023: Triumph International, the world-renowned manufacturer of underwear, is now one of inteos<sup>®</sup>' customers.

We will be implementing a ready-to-wear project for Triumph at various locations. In the process, inteos<sup>®</sup> will also be linked to the SAP and PLM systems that already exist. We are looking forward to an interesting and challenging project!

New customer Tolnatext | January 2023

Renowned textile firm, Tolnatext, based in Hungary, has partnered with us to enhance its preparation and weaving processes with our MES solution inteos®.

A key feature inteos® providing to Tolnatext is the mobile monitoring capability, allowing Tolnatext's team to oversee production metrics on-the-go, driving increased operational efficiency.

Mobile monitoring is not just about real-time tracking; it's about empowering businesses with the ability to oversee processes from anywhere, making production more flexible and responsive. We are looking forward to our collaboration!

New customer textile finishing Keller | October 2022

We are pleased to welcome a new customer also in October 2022, Textilveredlung Keller from Mößingen.

Textilveredlung Keller operates contract finishing for highly demanding knitwear, also in the elastic department. Halo will handle a combined MES and ERP project for TVK and, as usual, deliver full commitment to its customer.


Get to know inteos® at the Vorarlberg job fair! | January 2022

In 2022 we will again be present at the job fair of the FH Vorarlberg. The job fair, which has been held exclusively digitally since 2021, offers you the opportunity to get to know us easily with a laptop and webcam and to gain an insight into our company!

No matter if you are already an established programmer or if you are looking for a career in the industry - we are looking forward to meeting you!

On January 21, 2022, we will be available for you all day from 9:00 at this link.



Sustainability in practice - with inteos® | October 2021

Making textile production more sustainable and resource-saving is one of the most important benefits we realize for our customers with inteos®. The focus on a careful handling of the environment is anchored in our corporate philosophy. That is why, together with our "sister company", Julius Ott GmbH, we have decided to make a clear commitment to this philosophy: over 1200 square meters of the previously fallow roof surfaces of our company building will be equipped with a photovoltaic system for the production of electricity.

The system, which offers a total of 250 kWp peak power and will produce up to 250,000 kWh of electricity per year, will not only cover a large part of our own energy needs for our server infrastructure in the future, but will also supply the inteos® customer Grabher Textilveredelung, which is located on our premises, with 100% ecologically generated energy. For our employees and customers, we provide two charging stations for electric cars, where they can be charged free of charge during our business hours.

Spima - Stickerei - Konfektion 1960, textil software inteos®

Industrie 4.0 pour Bandex | May 2021

L'entreprise de tissage Bandex de Koblach obtiendra ces solutions informatiques sur le "marché intérieur" et s'appuiera sur inteos® à l'avenir. Elle rejoint ainsi un nombre croissant d'autres sociétés des entreprises textiles renommées du Vorarlberg telles que Getzner et Willy Hermann qui utilisent déjà notre logiciel depuis longtemps.

Case Study


PRESS: inteos in "Technofashion" | December 2020

The Italian industry magazine Technofashion has a detailed report on inteos® and Halo in its December issue.

The piece focuses on two solutions - equally innovative but of very different magnitude - that we have realised for the Vorarlberg ribbon weaving company Bandex and for the Italian industry giant Calzedonia.

Featured are our OPC-UA integration for Bandex, realised in cooperation with the Liechtenstein company Pantec, and a large-scale project with over 2,000 single-user licences for Calzedonia.

Unfortunately, the text is currently only available in Italian - but the great layout alone is worth a click!

For both projects, there are also detailed case studies in English that we created - to be found here for Bandex and Calzedonia.


Click here for the article


Case Studies: Bandex, Calzedonia, Leco

NEW: Case studies of reference projects! | November 2020

We have prepared detailed case studies for our projects for Bandex, Calzedonia  and Leco.

Get an impression of what an inteos project looks like in detail - for example the OPC UA interface for Bandex, which is new in the textile sector, or a solution for 2000 licences for Calzedonia at the new ITACA plant in Ethiopia!

Lingerie manufacturer Mey relies on inteos®

Le fabricant de lingerie Mey fait confiance à inteos® | May 2020

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que nous avons gagné un autre client renommé avec la société Mey à Albstadt. Mey GmbH & Co. KG fournit des vêtements de jour et de nuit et de la lingerie de haute qualité et est l'une des sociétés les plus renommées
dans ce domaine. Mey fait confiance aux solutions MES sur mesure d'inteos® pour les secteurs de l'habillement, de la finition et du tricot.

Mey Bodywear

30 years Halo

Halo - 30e anniversaire | November 2019

Notre 30e anniversaire à Meran:


ITMA, Barcelona | inteos, textile software

ITMA - Daily News | June 2019

Check out the latest report on inteos® in the "Daily News" of the ITMA in Barcelona.

Issue 6 June 25/26 2019

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Vous pouvez donc contacter à tout moment le membre du personnel responsable.

Dipl.Ing. (FH) Marcus Ott
Tel +43 55 77 881 18-45 | e-mail

Ing. Roland Hassler
Tel +43 55 77 881 18-27 | e-mail

Stefano Sampietro
Via Monte Grona 3 | 22079 Villa Guardia (CO) | Italy
Mobil +39 339 855 6946 | e-mail

Dipl.Ing. (FH) Volker Baggen
Rochusstrasse 44 | 40479 Düsseldorf | Germany
Mobil +49 173 49 94 914 | e-mail


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Localisation | Comment nous trouver

Halo est situé dans le triangle frontalier de l'Autriche, de l'Allemagne et de la Suisse et bénéficie de l'environnement industriel et de l'atmosphère internationale.


Halo GmbH

Halo GmbH
Augartenstrasse 27 | 6890 Lustenau | Austria
Tel. +43 55 77 881 18-0 | e-mail

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